Good info. Biggest thing to remember about feedback is, it should be based on objective truth and not based on any emotional factor. There is a thin line and its takes a practice to not cross that.

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Absolutely. It is very difficult. What I have observed is, even if it is emotional, there is almost always a chance of improvement there as well

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Great Article Sidwyn and Hemant.

I'd also add that feedback is a two way street in that the feedback giver should try to make feedback as constructive as possible and the feedback recipient should try to understand the perspective of the feedback giver and find the nuggets to move towards improvement

I particularly liked the tip on asking for example scenarios when it comes to "abstract suggestions". Examples help us concretize abstract terms

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Hi Karthik, thank you for adding. Completely agree with what you mentioned. Feedback writing and handling feedback both are important

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I love that! "Don’t be quick to react" - it's so valuable.

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